Overall, a greak game. It has an excellent story line, and even the sound is great. If only the graphics were better.

User Rating: 8.5 | Brave Fencer Musashiden PS
The gameplay and storyline make up for the absurd, embarassing graphics. This is one game in deserving of a sequel. The whole story starts off with this attack on a Kingdom called Allucannet Kingdom by their enemy, Thirstquencher Empire. The ones who live in the palace ask their princess to perform a hero summon. Princess Filet summons Musashi, the Brave Fencer. The boy is not too keen on the mission at first, but as the story progresses, he finds out the pruincess was kidnapped, and he quests to save her. He starts to realize slowly that they really need help, and he is more up to the task. Throughout the game, you quest to collect the Five scrolls, which you may recognize as natural elements in other games, Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Sky. He also collects the Legendary Armor to enhance his abilities. using those new finds, you attempt to defeat the Empire, and save the princess. Musashi makes friends with the palace workers, servants, taster, and even the village people. The game usually takes place at the village, and you do your quests outside. Throughout the game, you help the people of the village, you attack the Thirtquencher Empire, and you save the kidnapped Princess. The gameplay is awesome, the story is awesome, the graphics are something that should never be shown to the gaming world again, but overall, the game is something you'd think, AWESOME! Squaresoft truly is a good company. I advise everyone to play this game as what I have explained here is not even half of what the whole game is about. Play it.