This game, is what it means to feel alive. Technology evolution has created the ultimate game. We are Big Rigs Children.

User Rating: 10 | Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing PC
What are you doing? What are you actually doing? Why are you not playing this game?

Graphics 10/10 - You thought Crysis 2 on Ultra Settings was good, this makes that look like Minecraft on low settings.

Gameplay 10/10 - Just incredible, I felt immersed into the enviroment (literally), and felt what it was like to live everyone's dream of being a Big Rig Racer.

Physics 10/10 - I'd rather not spoil it's realism, let's just say, Battlefield 3 is nothing compared to these physics.

Story 10/10 - A heartbreaking story of a man, who's truck goes missing and drives by itself in Big Rig Racing. Lost.. forever.. alone.

Downloadable Content 10/10 - Apparently there is a new DLC coming out where you can actually PLAY the game, personally that just blew my mind.. I mean.. a game.. where you can play the game.. It's definately worth the £100,000 price tag.

Conclusion -

This game made me leave my family and live on the road with my Big Rig, together we are King's of this world.

This game is going right in my top 3 games, just falling behind E.T for the Atari and Street Cleaning Simulator for PC.

- Dr Troll