• splinter_girl88’s Activity
  • splinter_girl88 posted a new blog.
    My book, Crimson Conscience

    I just realized I never did post a link to my book here for anyone who is interested in checking it out.Ebook version:Google Play Books: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Crimson_Conscience?...

  • splinter_girl88 posted a message on the post I am now...

    Happy 31st birthday earlier this year!

  • splinter_girl88 posted a new blog.
    Ah, it's been a year again. Time to check in!

    Hello, everyone who is here! Hope you are all doing fantastic!I do miss the old days of GS. Ah, the memories.I'll try to check in again a little more often than a year lol.

  • splinter_girl88 followed Duke Nukem: D-Day .
  • splinter_girl88 posted a new blog.
    Who's still here?

    Is anyone actually still here? I'm just curious!

  • splinter_girl88 posted a new blog.
    My book, Crimson Conscience, will be published soon!

    Don't know how many of the people who used to read my blog back in the day, are still here, but if anyone is interested in my book Crimson Conscience, I will be publishing it within the next couple of...