Fun, but only for a while.

User Rating: 8.1 | Big Brain Academy DS
Big Brain Academy is fun and it may (or may not) improve your brain.

Having played DR K's brain training (including Soduku) to death I thought it about time I give this one a go.

Having handed the nice lady in Woolworths my £20 I slapped the card straight in the DS and got started.

My immediate impression is that this 'BRAIN' game takes itself much less seriously than the afforementioned 'BRAIN TRAINING'. It is more colourful and fun based.

Practice Mode

The mini-games are split into five catagories each with 3 games, each of these with 3 difficulty levels. By doing well you get medals, thus showing your progess.

Brain Weight Check

Having 'Practiced', you can then take a test. This gives you a game from each section. Once 5 'TESTS' have been negotiated you recieve a brain weight and (usually) a less than ideal career suggestion. This is all done in a fun light hearted way.

If the above two ideas get boring you can also compete with family and friends (assuming they have DS's).

To sum up then, FUN for a while but you will in the end want something more.