the game is good and bad the good is the unlocks when u rank up the bad is the rank system no longer works

User Rating: 7 | Battlefield 2 PC
the game was good at times was a very good time waster the multi player got annoying at times as people would bunny hop and dolphin dive but a patch fixed that but the patches take too much space up...the ranking system no longer works and EA/DICE aint even reading the forums so they dont even know and the problem has been going on for quite some time now....

spawnkilling is a major issue on the game as well but most games have this lol

the weapons were pretty good from the m4a1 to the m16 all the way up to the sa 80

there are some very good sniper spots on the game what can get u a nice kill death ratio going

the maps were also pretty good they dont get boring for a while and once u find all the good spots there really fun....

the cranes are awsome just climb up one and snipe avryone but exspect to get artillery fired at you