Better read/watched than played.

User Rating: 6.7 | Batman: Vengeance PS2
Indeed, as an adage goes, “Never judge a (comic) book by its cover.” Batman: Vengeance, at first glance, certainly looks sleek and polished, but unfortunately, it doesn’t go beyond its enthralling visuals and voice-acting. Certainly, it’s not wrong to expect a great game from such a great franchise; however, it merely proves true – when one expects, one gets disappointed. It is at best, an eye-candy – mostly form and no substance.

First off, the camera angles are such a pain to work with. It almost always successfully restricts you from moving the way the Batman should move. Speaking of movement, the hero's finesse is totally absent whenever he’s jumping or gliding. Combine these elements together and they result in an awkward game play. Not even the cool gadgets from the Dark Knight’s utility belt make up for these flawed challenges.

A saving grace of the game, though, is the wonderful storyline. As always, tales revolving around Bruce Wayne’s alter ego offer a lot of intrigues, mysteries and twists. On this note, I would say it’s better to save for a year’s subscription of comics rather than get this game.