I played the game first before the movie it was quite compelling, i think.

User Rating: 8.6 | Batman Begins XBOX
Batman Begins, I would say, is a mix between splinter cell and burnout. it combines some okay stealth sequences with two simply amazing driving parts. it was one of my favorite driving bits of just about any game.

the whole: scare your enemy then kill him? whats up with that? when your enemy is scared wouldn't he be more inclined to keep a tight grip on his gun, not drop it?

still if it works then okay, easier for me to kill everyone. some of the better levels could have been longer, or else the entire game could have been longer. take your pick, both would have been fine.

some daylight missions would be really cool but still if it is batman, he always does stuff at night. i guess that works. while it lasted it was a great experience but when it ended i found myself looking for another great superhero game that would satisfy my needs.

all in all, batman begins was a good game, i can't say that it rocked because it didn't but it was a good experience. so to all of you batman fans rent it first, if you like it go buy it.