The Dark Knight brings a little friend to the next gen

User Rating: 9 | Batman: Arkham Knight PS4
The Arkham games by Rocksteady have been considered the finest games using a superhero license but after the mixed reception from the recent developers Rocksteady get the Dark Knight back on track. The story is the Scarecrow is back and he wants to bring down the Batman by terrorising Gotham and making him try to break him. Another for you encounter will be the Arkham Knight who has a score to settle with him. The gameplay in terms of combat remains as smooth as ever with a few new tricks like a Predator Takedown which takes down foes in quick succession. The flying around Gotham is a great seeing the whole world as it is. A wide selection of villains return as part of side missions where sometimes you partner with an ally to help stop certain foes. All sorts of skills are required like stealth and speed sections. A cool gadget you get records someone's voice and makes the job required slightly easier. The Riddler returns but not with as many Riddles in fact some of tasks require the Batmobile which is an okay feature but its combat is lame and it feels to forced to beat certain objectives like boss battles which also feel pretty week one of the few things the series has struggled to do. You get the occasional upgrades to flight,combat, vehicle and gadgets and it certainly makes doing side missions worthwhile. The game overall looks beautiful the flying around Gotham is an absolute treat with rain drops and to see certain characters faces when in contact add to the amazing look of the game. Another strong voice cast as well with Kevin Conroy reprising his role as Batman. The game is roughly 12 to 14 hours for a straight run through but getting all the Riddles and doing the side missions should add an extra 4 or 5 hours. Not forgetting New Game Plus a harder version of the game with your current upgrades. Overall a fitting finale if not the big bang you were expecting. It is also a shame the Challenge Rooms didn't make a return but there is enough here to keep you busy for a while. Should you send Batman out to save Gotham. Yes indeed even if its not the best in the franchise it still deserves your time. Overall Score 9 out 10