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Xbox Game Pass Core Tests Begin, Replacing Xbox Live Gold

The switch officially starts for everyone September 14.


Microsoft will be rolling out Xbox Game Pass Core to Xbox insiders this week. That means beta testers who currently subscribe to Xbox Live Gold will start seeing the new program a month early, with access to a selection of games like Doom Eternal.

Specifically, Xbox insiders in the Alpha and Alpha Skip-Ahead rings will gain access this week to Xbox Game Pass Core, according to Microsoft. The full library of games for the new service won't be available yet. That said, certain titles like Pyschonauts 2 and State of Decay 2 will be accessible.

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Now Playing: Introducing Xbox Game Pass Core

Last month, Microsoft revealed that Xbox Live Gold would be phased out in favor of Xbox Game Pass Core. The new service officially launches September 14. It costs the same amount as Gold and subscribers will automatically transfer over to the new plan. Xbox Game Pass Core will be needed, like Live is, for access to online multiplayer.

Additionally, Games with Gold is ending this month and will be replaced by a collection of 25-plus games (including the previously mentioned ones). The final Games with Gold lineup has already been released, featuring Blue Fire and Inertial Drift. Microsoft also revealed the first wave of Xbox Game Pass titles for August. A Short Hike, Limbo, and Broforce Forever serve as a few of the highlights.

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