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Sam Raimi Hopes He Can Return For Spider-Man 4

In the multiverse, the director says, "anything is possible."


Director Sam Raimi says he's "completely open" to directing a fourth Spider-Man starring Tobey Maguire, if the Hollywood fates align. The director briefly touched on the idea during a wide-ranging interview with Moviepilot.

"I didn't think [my directing Spider-Man again] was possible but after jumping back in with the multiverse, I realized that anything is possible now," said Raimi. "So, I'm completely open to it. Check out the full 19-minute interview below.

Raimi is, of course, referring to Spider-Man: No Way Home, the 2021 film that featured several actors reprising their roles from non-MCU Spider-Man films directed by Raimi and Marc Webb, including previous Spider-Man actors Magruire and Andrew Garfield opposite current Spider-Man Tom Holland. No Way Home took in nearly $1.9 billion at the worldwide box office. A fourth film in the franchise was already in development alongside No Way Home--so as Raimi says, anything is possible. It's already not too big of a stretch, as Raimi is stepping up to the plate next week as director of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, due out May 6.

All over the Spider-Man franchise, great power and great responsibility is being demonstrated in equal measure with an impressive amount of spin-offs. Most recently, Sony Pictures has announced the film El Muerto, about "a super-powered wrestler who originally fought Spider-Man in a charity wrestling match in which he nearly unmasked the webslinger." Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse was recently delayed to June 2023. Earlier this year, Sony also announced another Spider-Man spin-off movie, Madame Web, which marks the first female character in the Spidey universe with her own film.

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