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New Ghost Of Tsushima Trailer Gets You Ready For War

War is coming to the shores of Tsushima, and the latest trailer for Sony's new IP makes it look striking.


With The Last of Us Part II out, Sony's focus is now shifting towards Ghost of Tsushima. The Sucker Punch-developed open-world game is out on July 17--you can read our Ghost of Tsushima review now--and a new trailer reminds you of the imminent threat you'll have to face.

The pre-rendered trailer helps set the tone for protagonist Jin and his journey, showing you the island of Tsushima before war washed up on its shores. The contrast between the colorful and serene scenes with those of smoke-covered horizons and the sparks of clashing swords is effective at showing just how engrossing this setting can be. Check it out below.

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Now Playing: Ghost Of Tsushima - Official A Storm Is Coming Trailer

If you're looking for a better representation of what it'll be like to play Ghost of Tsushima, Sony recently revealed a lot of footage from the game during its latest State of Play stream. It includes a look at how you'll get around the world, the differences between its melee and stealth combat, and a variety of filters that can help you make the game resemble some of your favorite classic samurai films.

Ghost of Tsushima is Sucker Punch's first game since the launch of the PS4, when the studio release Infamous Second Son and its short expansion, First Light, a few months later. Back then, GameSpot gave it an 8/10, with our Infamous Second Son review saying, "Still, don't become mired in the negativity as Delsin so often does. Instead, just laugh at the cheesy dialogue and chortle at how extreme the morality system is. Second Son is a great game that knows exactly what it is, and sucks you in with its unfiltered fun."

GameSpot has officially kicked off Play For All--a celebration of all things gaming. Join us as we bring you the summer's hottest news, previews, interviews, features, and videos, as well as raise money for COVID-19 relief efforts and Black Lives Matter with the help of our friends from around the gaming world. Check out the Play For All schedule for more.

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