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MLB's First Work Stoppage Since 1994 Won't Impact MLB The Show 22

Sony's MLB The Show video game remains on schedule for release in April.


The 2022 Major League Baseball season will not begin on schedule, as Major League Baseball owners and the Major League Baseball Players' Association could not come to terms on a new labor deal. However, Sony's MLB The Show 22 remains on schedule to be released in early April. Its development and release is unaffected by the work stoppage, a spokesperson told GameSpot.

MLB and the players' union did not reach a new collective bargaining deal after almost a year of contract negotiations. The deadline to come to terms was 5 PM ET today, and the two sides could not do that.

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MLB commissioner Rob Manfred said in a press conference that some games will be canceled--the season was scheduled to begin on March 31. This is the first time MLB games have been canceled or delayed for a work stoppage since the 1994-1995 strike.

That year, 900 games were canceled, including the 1994 World Series. You can check out this New York Times story to learn more about the lockout, while the players' union statement follows below.

As for MLB The Show 22, it's poised to have the widest release in the history of the acclaimed series. In addition to coming to Xbox again this year by itself and through Xbox Game Pass. Sony is putting the former PlayStation exclusive on Switch as well.

A spokesperson for Sony told GameSpot about the matter, "MLB The Show has not been impacted by the MLB work stoppage."

MLB The Show 22--which features superstar Shohei Ohtani on the cover--has multiple editions to choose from, so it might be helpful to consult GameSpot's MLB The Show 22 preorder guide to find out more.

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