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Marvel's Avengers New Trailer Teased For Next Week's War Table Event

Get a fresh look at the Avengers, including newcomer Kamala Khan as Ms. Marvel, in a teaser screen from the upcoming trailer.


Square Enix is preparing to show off a new trailer for Marvel's Avengers, and a teaser image gives us the slightest of glimpses of what to expect. The full trailer is said to be coming on June 24.

The teaser, in a tweet from creative director Shawn Escayg, shows several of Earth's Mightiest Heroes standing alongside newcomer Kamala Khan, aka Ms. Marvel. Black Widow has donned some high-tech eyewear, but otherwise this is a good look at the updated character models. It also shows a good deal of detail on the costuming.

Conspicuously missing from the group is Captain America, which makes sense because the plot revolves around a tragedy befalling Steve Rogers during a big public celebration, which subsequently splinters the team. Ms. Marvel, ever the optimist and a big fan of superheroes herself, seems to be the one who brings the team back together.

The June 24 date is a reference to the Avengers War Table event, which promises new gameplay and co-op details. Check our E3 replacement schedule for more events occurring throughout the summer.

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