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DayZ Creator's New Game Is Icarus

A survival game set in space tries to sustain the intense, emotional experience of when you first start your journey.


During the PC Gaming Show, DayZ creator Dean Hall debuted his new game, Icarus. The survival game set in space focuses on resource-gathering and building settlements, with a few key ways it aims to set itself apart.

In an interview, Hall said the team is trying to recapture the tense experience of first starting out in a survival game, when you're just beginning to find your footing. To that end, it focuses on "session-based" survival, so you'll always need to be scrapping from session to session.

To begin with your sessions dropping onto the planet will be pretty brief, but they'll get progressively longer and more difficult. Depending on how long you make your session, your goals might shift with elements like day-night cycles and resource scarcity. You'll also be able to invite your friends over to your orbital ship as a social space.

As opposed to DayZ, when failure means death and then you're finished, Icarus punishes fail-states by losing equipment, or even killing a character who ran out of time during a drop. Hall also addressed those who may be concerned about this game after DayZ, suggesting that he and Bohemia Interactive had disagreed on direction. Icarus, by comparison, is a team effort at his new studio.

Icarus is slated for sometime in 2021, and it will be free-to-play.

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