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CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Teaser Confirms Alejandro And Valeria For Season 3

Alejandro and Valeria will face off in Season 3.


Activision has revealed a new teaser clip ahead of Season 3 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2, revealing the seasonal narrative will revolve around Alejandro Vargas and Valeria Garza.

The teaser trailer tweeted by the Call of Duty account shows a brief clip of Alejandro. He's suiting up for a fight, saying, "Valeria's escaped. Let's fight fire with fire." The first two Raid episodes have centered around Price, Gaz, and Farah, but it's looking like Season 3's Raid story will shift to Alejandro's pursuit of Valeria.

While brand new to the series, Alejandro and Valeria's memorable performances in Modern Warfare 2's campaign made them both rise up as early fan-favorites. Now, it seems players will get to enjoy more tension between the two characters.

Additionally, this new face-off with Alejandro and Valeria most likely means these two characters will become playable operators in Season 3. Data miners previously leaked that Season 3's new operators would include Alejandro Vargas, Valeria Garza, and Alex Keller, but it's uncertain which character will become the battle pass operator.

Activision has also confirmed Season 3 will include the return of the iconic Intervention sniper rifle and the new Pelayo's Lighthouse 6v6 multiplayer map.

For more on the upcoming season, make sure to check out all the rumors and details confirmed for Season 3 of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.

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