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Assassin's Creed Origins: Check Out A Cool Legendary Armor Set (And Some Mean Hippos)

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Find all of the star constellations and you'll be rewarded with a slick new outfit.

Assassin's Creed Origins introduces a variety of new features, such as the ability to scout areas with an eagle you control, enlist the support of animals, and take part in a Horde-style mode. It also features a new gear system, which means you'll be rewarded with cool equipment for completing certain tasks.

Case in point is the Isu Legendary armor set featured in the video above. It's a reward for finding all the star constellations in the game, and although it's purely a cosmetic set, we still think it's worth the effort. (The stylish gear resembles what you can earn in Destiny 2's Trials PvP mode.) The video above shows it off in Origins' Arena mode.

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Now Playing: Assassin's Creed Origins Gameplay: Legendary Armor Isu Versus The Gladiator Arena

We've also got a new gameplay video showcasing an animal in Origins that you probably don't usually associate with viciousness: hippopotamuses. But these do in fact present a danger to the game's inhabitants, as you can check out in the video below, which highlights a side mission with some dangerous hippos.

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Ahead of the game's launch later this week, you can also check out Assassin's Creed Origins gameplay running on an Xbox One X--something you'll be able to enjoy yourself once the system arrives on November 7. Origins releases this Friday, October 27, on PS4, Xbox One, and PC; you can get prepared by checking out the history of Assassin's Creed.

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Chris Pereira

Chris Pereira is GameSpot's editorial manager. He's been writing about games for a very long time and is very old. Please don't be loud. He likes Twin Peaks, The X-Files (before it was bad), I Think You Should Leave, Remedy games, and serial commas.

Assassin's Creed Origins

Assassin's Creed Origins

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