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Animal Crossing: New Horizons Island Names Have A Strict Character Limit

Plan your island name before Animal Crossing: New Horizons arrives on Nintendo Switch.


Animal Crossing: New Horizons is out now on Nintendo Switch, and if you haven't yet started playing, you may want to start planning your island name. There's a strict character limit you'll need to adhere to when brainstorming.

The official UK Twitter account for Animal Crossing revealed prior to launch that you'll have a ten-character limit for your island's name, which is two more than was allowed in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. This means, for example, if your New Leaf village was named 'GameSpot', your island could be named GameSpotia.

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So as you prepare your Animal Crossing boarding pass and have a think about how you'll design your character, keep this limit in mind so you can plan ahead better.

It's also worth checking out our guide to getting your hands on Animal Crossing Amiibo, and checking out the list of improvements and changes that this entry in the series is introducing.

What are you naming your Animal Crossing: New Horizons island? Check out all the island names we came up with for our games and share your own with us in the comments!

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