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Halo: MCC Developer Continues Work on Halo 2 Projectile Hotfix

Microsoft's Halo team has kept busy working on fixes for the new issues in Halo: The Master Chief Collection for Halo 2 and Halo 3.


Halo: The Master Chief Collection's latest update, which also brought Halo 2 Anniversary to PC, did not go exactly to plan. The release led to numerous bugs, issues, and oddities, and now developer 343 Industries has posted an update that explains what's being done to fix them.

As of May 19, the development team is making progress on fixing issues in Halo 2 and Halo 3. These include projectiles, match stability, and an issue with Halo 3 crashing on the Valhalla map.

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The hotfix will also address issues with Halo 3 including rubber-banding, desycned vehicles, and missing effects.

343 did not say when the new Master Chief Collection hotfix will be available, but the latest information will be posted to the @HaloSupport account on Twitter.

In response to the new issues with The Master Chief Collection, 343 asked fans to be patient and to stop yelling at them. Adding to the complexity of the situation, 343's teams are currently working from home as they work on fixes for the game.

The team working on The Master Chief Collection is separate from the one at 343 that's developing Halo Infinite. Microsoft will finally show off more of the long-awaited next-gen Halo game during the Xbox 20/20 event in July.

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