Army Of Two fails to live up to it's potential.

User Rating: 6 | Army of Two X360
Audio: 6/10
The voice acting is good but there just isnt enough dialouge and when there is, it isnt good. Sound effects are ok but seem stale and the music sucks.

Visuals: 6/10
Descent looking character models but not that impressive overall. The cut scenes are well done though. Environments arent well designed and looks dull.

Playability: 7/10
The game is really fun with a human partner and the co-op gameplay is unique but there really isnt enough to do to keep your interested. Also the AI teammate will get on your nerves very quickly.

Delivery: 6/10
The campaign is short and the story is very weak. Multiplayer isnt that good but its enough to keep your interested for a little couple hours. Weapon customization is a great idea but the customization is this game is really lame and repetative, All guns will eventually look the same. No replay value so once you get the campaign, There is no point in playing it again.

Achievements: 6/10
Quite a few grinders that require you to put a lot of time and effort into this game and thats really annoying considering this game is lame and repetative.

Overall: 6/10
The pieces are there to make Army of Two a great franchise but this is a poor start.