Army of two suffers in Many Places Such as Graphics, AI,Heavy Controls and Graphic Faults but is still Enjoyable.

User Rating: 7 | Army of Two PS3
After EA promising Shooter-Fans a Superb Co-op experience, The game arrives as just an average shooter that has potential to reach greatness. Though being quite Average, it does have some very good Features, Such as Co-operative play, Wide selection of Weapons and Epic Fights But because of its Ways, It Degrades the game big time in Those respects.

Though the games good points are really something unique, the Faults seem to over-run it and destroy the great experience. When you are playing with a AI buddy, He tends to sometimes be stupid and often get himself injured andor get both of you killed. most common errors with your AI Partner: 1. He struggles to find cover and If you order him to go forward, he will stand out in the open in the middle of all the enemies and often will get shot down and rely on you to heal him and then you get killed while trying to save him. 2. If he goes ahead of you, and you tell him to stay put, he will stop on your exact order and not even bother to find cover and this also will most probably result in both your deaths. 3. Sometimes when your AI Partner gets in a hard spot or he is caught in a place like between a rock and a wall, he wont bother to get out even if you order him to regroup. 4. sometimes he just doesn't listen and stays put.

OK, your weapon selection is Fairly Big. You have many pistols, Machine guns, assault rifles, shotguns, Grenade launchers and and sniper rifles and they are all found pretty regularly around the game and all have Good and Devastating effect on your enemies. You do have a modifying system for your guns as well, but unfortunately its quite weak.

Your enemies are pretty hard to get past and take down, They hide everywhere and put lethal assault on you every time you duck your head out to check your enemies or take some shots at them. They don't really try to flank you, but a thing they do is they hide.... as soon as you think you killed all of them, One jumps out at you from behind cover while you pass by and will often try to grab and choke you, so watch out for them.

The Movement of Rios and Salem are very Thick and heavy, though this can be good to some, to others its an annoyance when you have to duck fast under cover or move fast to avoid gunfire.

There are some great looking visuals in Army of two, But unfortunately it suffers from Graphic faults most of the time. When you kill and enemy from a longer distance and he falls down, Half his body will stick though the coverwall that he was taking cover on, another bothering and annoying fault is things kind of sticking in midair, If a door falls off or gets blown off, Sometimes it will be stuck in the wall next to it or if an enemy gets blown off a rooftop or Sniper post with a grenade, he will Lift off the ground and land half way in the building with half his body sticking out of it.

Even with the negatives Weighing down the Positives, Its not a horrible game and some will really enjoy it. But if you are one that Hates bad co-op AI, Clunky controls and a few Minor Graphic faults, it will be most unenjoyable. The positives are really something to experience as a gamer, but it so close yet so far to being a Great Game.