Its got its pros and cons

User Rating: 8 | Army of Two PS3
I must admit when i first saw the trailers and review of this game i had high expectations and thought it would be really fun. Well, the thing is this game IS actually fun to play, however its disappointing in the end primarily because if the length of the campaign and a few bugs.
The game looks and sounds great. Load times are okay, though one little thing i noticed was that if you shoot at water it does not splash up.
Army Of Two has a nice story. Its about two US Army Rangers, Elliot Salem and Tyson Rios, who along with their boss join a private military contracting company called SSC, hence becoming mercenaries. The story will intrigue you and keep you holding till the very end, also, its told through high-resolution videos at the start of the different levels of the game. The game is innovative in the sense that the Aggro system featured here works pretty well and you actually cant survive without your partner, whether AI or real.
In the single player, you can pretty easily give commands to your AI partner namely defensive or aggressive, regroup, advance and hold position commands which are nicely implemented. Your AI partner is quite intelligent, however, i did experience times when if i had been injured, instead of dragging me to safety first and then healing me, the AI started healing me right in the presence of gunfire and i died. Also, in Iraq once he got stuck in between two cover positions and could not get out. Though this is rare and most of the time he will be your valuable ally. In Aircraft Carrier level, i tried to explore and went to the edge of the map and got stuck! lol just couldnt move. And in China, i reached a bridge and again tried to explore but suddenly got a message saying 'Game Over'! Lol! And, the checkpoints in the game are pretty far off so i had to replay all these parts. Not that playing through them was bad. The gameplay is absolutely great and you will surely have a good time playing through.
You can also use the money you earn in game to buy and equip different weapons. There are primary weapons which range from AK-47's to the M134 minigun! Then there are secondary weapons like pistols and SMG's and special weapons like sniper rifles and RPG's. You can equip one of each at one time. You can also upgrade your weapons to change their stats like damage, accuracy, aggro etc. There's even a pimped version of a weapon ( read gold-plating! )
For variety you have things like step jump, in which your partner helps you reach high areas, there are doors to open which require both of them, and there are some heavy armored enemies which can only be killed if attacked from behind. Though fun, the campaign lasts only about 8 hours or so which is disappointing considering you were having so much fun. There is one vehicle in the game, a hovercraft in which you drive and your partner shoots. It would have been great if there were other vehicles and if you could choose whether you wanted to drive or shoot. I also had amazing fun playing co-op and splitscreen with my sister though the use of the 'F' word was...well...we'll leave that shall we? :P There's also online but i have the European version and it was really hard to find a game for some reason.
Anyway, Army Of Two is amazing fun, if a bit short, the story is great, it looks good and you should definitely try it.