One of the best Army Men games featuring Sarge's name

User Rating: 9 | Army Men: Sarge's War PC
When I first bought Sarge's War, I wasn't sure what to make of it. I had already played the N64 Army Men games alot, since I personally think the overall concept was fundamentally decent. Before I got to my PC, I took the time to look at the manual, and was quite excited to play it. When I saw the screen shots, especially with other Green Army Men other then Sarge, I thought this would be one kick ass game. I was partially correct, since the game slightly, but not enough touched apon a concept that 3DO has not spent to much time thinking; Army Men fight each other in numbers, not alone if they aren't special for some reason. I was delighted that the first two missions gave the player some support from fellow Green soldiers, so you weren't fighting alone all the time. The game also features several other missions later that have a mission objective of rescuing POWs, one of the levels, that is when you reach the near end feels like an all out fire fight. No other level does this better then the second level (although some could argue the first), "A Beach To Far", where it really feels like you and some other Green Soldiers are fighting your way through a Tan fortification to rescue a Green recon squad. However, aside from these occasions, this game plunges the player as taking apon the role of Sarge alone, and for the most part the player fights alone for a majority of the missions; a thing I did not like too much. On a high note, the thematics, are excellent, as this game truly does a fine job on the story line. The cut scenes I think are some of the best in the Army Men Series, since they show us a little about Sarge's life before he commanded a squad. Although during a peace treaty, which occurs in a cutscene at the end of the second level, the main Tan enemy, Colonel Malice, destroys the treaty, including Colonel Grimm and Sarge's squad along with the Tan General Plastro. Personally, the only thing that would keep me going would be the thought of revenge on Colonel Malice and nothing else. The only thing negative that I can really agree with GameSpot on is the controls, which are some what very bad, although this does not make the game impossible to play. More or less, the gameplay seems to been have been ported from the console version. To sum the game all up, it's a game well done, but could have been improved more. It really depends in my oppinion, you may like this game or you may hate it. If you like the Army Men series, go out and buy it now. If not, just don't bother buying it.