Fun and excitng!!!

User Rating: 8.5 | Area 51 PS2
This game is very exiting, good story mode, and fun. This game is very exitng because you never know if something is sneaking up on you from behind or is going to jump out from a corner. People who do not like a lot of gore in a game should not even look at screenshots of this game. This is the second most gorey game i have played.

This game has very good graphics, but not the best weapon choice (saddly). This game also is hard to control, for the right anolog stick if you go up you will look down and when you go down you look up (very confusing). Once you play this game for a while and get used to the controls when you play a different game you mess the controls up really bad =-(.

If you buy this game you better not play any other games, if you do remember PukingPug warned you. Anyway, this game is Fun.