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Avatar Sequel Scripts Are "Amazing" Says Sigourney Weaver

"Now he really gets to play."


The 2009 sci-fi blockbuster Avatar still stands as the most successful movie of all time, and director James Cameron is planning no fewer than four sequels. Star Sigourney Weaver has revealed that she has read the scripts for the first three of these--and she's impressed.

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Speaking to Variety, Weaver praised the "scope" of Cameron's screenplays. "In my opinion, the three scripts I've read so far are many times more amazing than the first one in terms of their scope," she said. "He did a lot of the heavy lifting in the first movie, establishing the family and the relationships and the world, and now he really gets to play."

Cameron has previously hinted at what the Avatar sequels might be about. "The storyline in the sequels really follows Jake and Neytiri and their children,” he said in September. “It’s more of a family saga about the struggle with the humans."

While Avatar 2 does not yet have a confirmed release date, there are strong signs that it could arrive in December 2018. As reported last week, Fox has set a date of December 21, 2018 for a film from Cameron's Lightstorm Entertainment. Avatar 2 has been rumoured for Christmas 2018 release for some time, and the director has spoken about his hopes to have it ready by then.

Earlier this month, Cameron revealed that he hoped to make Avatar 2 and the preceding movies in glasses-free 3D. "I'm going to push," he said. "Not only for better tools, workflow, high dynamic range and high frame rates--the things we are working toward. I'm still very bullish on 3D, but we need brighter projection, and ultimately I think it can happen--with no glasses. We'll get there."

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