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Halo Infinite Holiday Event Winter Contingency II Adds Free And Festive Cosmetics

Decorate your tree with battle rifles and candy cane combat visors.


In celebration of the holidays, 343 Industries has out a free 10-tier Event Pass with holiday aesthetics for Halo Infinite. The update is available today.

The event, called Winter Contingency II, runs from December 20 through January 3. The event pass includes a variety of festive cosmetics, including a snowflake emblem, a candy cane visor, decorative "jingle bell" grenades, a Santa hat, and reindeer horns. The pass also includes some frosty skins for weapons, including the Battle Rifle, Pistol, and Hydra. As usual, you'll be able to unlock these items by completing specially marked in-game challenges.

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Now Playing: Winter Contingency II | Free 10-tier Event Pass | Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite has had some significant updates recently. Campaign co-op, mission replay, and Forge were added in the game's Winter update in November. Additional changes came to ranked play and matchmaking as part of the update. In December, Halo Infinite received a custom games browser. A 343-developed, revamped version of the classic map The Pit, created using Forge, was also released. Players have already taken to building funny, bizarre, and awe-inspiring creations, including a recreation of a Waffle House restaurant. In a blog post outlining a variety of future plans for the franchise, live-service boss Sean Baron claimed that this was the biggest launch year in Halo history, despite challenges.

Halo Infinite launched to a massive playerbase and widespread acclaim, but the slow pace of updates and the the game's monetization caused backlash from fans. The next big update, Season 3: Echoes Within, will arrive in March 2023.

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