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Best 144Hz Gaming Monitor In 2022: Our Top 7 Choices

A 144Hz monitor is a must-have for those who play competitive multiplayer--or just want a much smoother PC gaming experience.


PC gaming on a 144Hz monitor versus a budget monitor with a 60Hz refresh rate can be quite a different experience. If you thought 60Hz looks smooth, wait until you play a game with a variable refresh rate up to 144Hz with G-Sync or FreeSync active. A higher refresh rate gives you an edge that you wouldn't otherwise have at 60Hz. Reacting to enemies, twitch aiming, and timing are all factors that are improved by increasing your refresh rate, whether you can tell the difference with your eye or not. And those who are seriously into competitive multiplayer games shouldn't consider anything less than a 144Hz gaming monitor. Fortunately, if you're not sure what the best options are, we've outlined the best 144Hz gaming monitor options currently available below, from 4K to 1440p and more. And if you're considering kicking up your refresh rate even higher, check out the best 240Hz monitors for competitive gaming.

Quick look: The best 144Hz monitors for gaming

For more display recommendations, see our picks for the best 4K monitors and best 4K TVs for gaming. Televisions have started to adopt high refresh rates as well, and with technology like FreeSync Premium, they've become viable options for hardcore gamers. And if you want to learn more before buying a new gaming monitor, check out our complete guide to monitor technologies, which covers everything from HDR for monitors and panel types, among other things. We've also got a guide to the best gaming monitors for PS5 and Xbox Series X, if you're a console gamer considering buying a new monitor over a TV.

Editor's Note: Article updated on July 26, 2022

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