The game surprises you constantly with every move you do, always keeping you on the edge.

User Rating: 9 | Alan Wake PC
Right at the beginning, players who had played Max Payne will notice the resemblance. The game hero is reminding Max, even his style of dressing. The game controls are very basic and simple, so you will feel home right at the start.

The game made like you are playing in a TV series and you are the main hero. After each episode you'll see previous episode cut-scene.
The soundtrack and the audio are great. You may find familiar songs and the narrating is great and strong.

The game itself is different from everything I've ever played. The story that you follow is strong and gripping. The atmosphere and the pace are well combined to make you almost feel by yourself what is happening to Alan.
While playing, your actions will trigger in game cinematic scenes which are very cool and powerful.
The game surprises you constantly with every move you do, always keeping you on the edge making you keep moving further and further.

The only downside of this game, is that it ends

The verdict: Awesome game. 9.0 points