I was hoping for something better

User Rating: 5 | Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None WII
I'm a big fan of murder/mystery style movies and stories, so I'm naturally trying to find good games that also fall into this category. When I heard about Agatha Christie I knew this was a game I had to try. Even though I've tried so many similar games in the past that have failed in this category, I wanted to give this a go.

I must say, I'm really in the middle for this game. I want to love it, I really do, but there are just things about it I don't like much at all, so I have to give it a 5, let me go into more detail:

Controls: The controls are pretty easy in the game. It mostly involved simply clicking on where you want to go or what you need to do. The plus side to the controls is that no matter what you need to do in the game, one of the buttons on the controller can get it for you. The only time you actually have to point at the screen is when you are walking somewhere (you need to point to where you are going) when you need to select an item or when the game requires you to do some sort of motion. Overall the controls worked pretty good and I didn't have any issues getting used to it. The only negatives with the controls is that there were some points in the game where you had to do something (i.e. unlock the same, remove the propeller, etc.) where the controls were not very accurate and it was more or less just waving the controller all over to try and get it to recognize what you were supposed to be doing.

Story: A big part of the game is the story. I wouldn't say it is the best story in a game, but it is far from the worst. I personally found the story enjoyable and did watch/listen to all of the scenes during the game. I thought the story was fun and worked well in the game. I'm sure there are a lot of people that will find the story boring, but I thought it was okay.

Gameplay: This is where the game really loses points for me. I like the idea, search the island and house for clues, interrogate the other guests for answers to try and uncover Mr. Owen. I, however, do not feel that the gameplay was put into action very well. There were just too many points in the game where you are completely lost, with no idea of what you have to do next. When these points come up (and they will likely come up often) you are left with nothing, no hints or clues and no idea of what to do next. The only real alternative is to find a walkthrough to get through that stage. I don't like to use walkthroughs because I like to play the games myself, but it seems nearly impossible to finish the games without. I tried to use the walkthrough as little as possible (because they give way too much information and make playing the game almost unnecessary) and during one point of the game I went through most of a level on my own. I got to the end and could not get the next chapter to start, so I checked a walkthrough and had missed one thing during the chapter. I tried to go back and do it, but because I did it out of order I had to go back and it took a good hour or so to get back to the point I was at because of missing one thing in the game. In the early chapters of the game, it is pretty easy to progress, it however gets more difficult as you go and most levels will require the assistance of a walkthrough. Some of the things you need to do make sense, while others are things you would likely not think to do on your own. For example, at one point in the game you need to find some medication, generally I would check the bathrooms and the doctors medical bag for such a thing, but it was not in any of these locations, no, it was outside, in the rain, in the apiary/orchard, and it is such a tiny bottle it is very simple to miss. This is actually one of the easier things to find because at least you know what your goal is, a lot of the time you don't even know that. I think you could eventually figure out most things on your own, however, the biggest issue is that most things require you to proceed in a certain order, so if you don't know what you are doing you can miss parts of the game.

Overall, I do like this game, but the often impossible actions to figure out really hurt the game for me. I'm not upset I played/purchased the game, but I was really wishing for more out of it. Playing the game on your own could take a long time, but using a walkthrough to assist you as you go could finish the game in a couple of hours. When you know what needs to be done, the process is quite quick. If you are interested in mystery's this game is probably worth a go, expect to be frustrated as several points, have a good walkthrough pretty handy and you may consider renting the game as it doesn't last real long.