Aero The acrobat may pass as a renting game, but that's all it's worth

User Rating: 5.5 | Aero The Acro-Bat SNES
The good: Nice graphics, challenging game-play, made Aero 2
The bad: Rip-off of Sonic, bad music

Game-play: 6/10
Graphics: 7/10
Sound: 4/10
Value: 5/10
Tilt: 6/10
Average Score: 5.7/10

When Ektor the clown comes to bring chaos and hell, it's up Aero the Acrobat to stop him in sonic style. Widely considered a rip-off of Sonic, Aero the Acrobat isn't your choice, but then again, neither were the Bubsy games.

The gameplay is simply jumping on star platforms, getting shot out of cannons, roping, and more. Aero can also swim, but this is just boring to do. On the other hand, the gameplay is challenging, but that's all that will keep you in this.

Overall, the Graphics are well polished, but the music is really bad. Aero the Acrobat May pass as a renting game, but that's all it's worth. You're better off with Sonic and Earthworm Jim than this mediocre game. Had they really made an original game, Aero could've been great.