This is a good game and if you like snowboarding than you should check out this title.

User Rating: 7.9 | 1080: TenEighty Snowboarding N64
Overall 1080 is a good game and is pretty fun to play but there are a couple of faults.

The Game plays well and is quite fast paced so if you fall you have a lot of work t do to catch up again. There are a fair amount of courses to go through and all of them look fairly good.

The bad things are there are not alot of characters, there is also not alot of boards to choose from in looks, and the "story" mode is quite simple. The Graphics are not the best for that time of N64 but than again alot of the games did not have the best graphics at that time.

This is a good title and if you like snow boarding you should definately look into this title, it should not dissapoint.