a great looking tank sim that is only let down by the gun physics and lack of single player missions.

User Rating: 6.5 | WWII Battle Tanks: T-34 vs. Tiger PC
Just a little more time spent on play testing could have delivered a tank sim classic. someone got bored of inventing single player missions and just sent out the sim editor to say "if you want more? write them yourself." I think that there was huge potential here that has all gone to waste due to a rushed finish. The fact that the dreaded tiger's '88' is not as potent as it perhaps should be and that the T34/85 looks more like a T34/76 my be lost on some people but to true tank sim nuts, thats the most important factor.(Detail,Detail,Detail) The game is also lacking in variety of equipment on the battlefield (11 different vehicle in total is a pretty poor show in modeling in anyones books). But that said I can't help liking this game. being able to see the score marks on the enemy tanks at the exact points at which you scored your hits and the damage to your own tank from incoming fire is just 'too cool for school!' maybe a well written patch could save this 'could of been' from becoming a 'has been'.