truth be said, for a game with about 13 years of existence, it still retains it's charm intact.

User Rating: 8 | Worms X360
Worms are back again on yet another 2d version, since the 3d ones weren't that well recieved by old school fans. This time Team 17 decided to keep things simple. This is a remake of the first Worms game, released on the PC, Gameboy, Playstation...and a multitude of platforms back then in 1995.
The gameplay needs no explanation for those used playing Worms, it's still a turn based, strategy game meant to be played with friends, and it only needs one gamepad for a 4 player match, which makes it a good choice among other Xbox Live Arcade games. But rather than porting Worms Armageddon, or Worms World Party which had plenty of options and content, Team 17 opted to take the visual polish of those games and strip this version regarding other features, so we have only the basic arsenal (Bazooka, Homing Missile, Banana Bomb, Sheep Bomb, Dynamite, Grenades, Cluster Grenades, uzi, shotgun, dragon punch, uppercut punch, and an array of tools) and also a few scenarios to choose from. What's worse is that not only the game is short of features but Team 17 also chose to make us pay for the download of 3 new scenarios from the Xbox store. Not a good way to go. I have been hoping for new downloadable content, like new weapons and scenarios that I would gladly pay for, but it doesn't seem likely it will ever be available. Anyway, now we can easily setup or join online matches, and truth be said, for a game with about 13 years of existence, it still retains it's charm intact. I recommend this game for those willing to play with a bunch of friends on the same room, that's the best way to enjoy it, there's nothing better than witnessing the reaction of our "enemies" in person.