despite some missing content on previous Worms, it's still addicting, and quite possibly the best arcade game to date.

User Rating: 8.4 | Worms X360
It may not be the Worms you remember playing on the PC or even the PS, but compared to other arcade releases, this one was the most fun for me. It does lose some of the weapons that were in previous versions but, the graphical upgrade more than makes up for it.

Gameplay: 8

Great gameplay and free of glitches. Some of the movements can be quirky. Sometimes when you are aiming a missile it goes in the opposite direction and using the jet pack can be a pain, but other than that it runs smooth. Easy control scheme and easy game to learn.

Graphics: 8

Pretty good for an arcade game. If they would have just ported one of the originals over, it wouldn't be even close to an 8. However the upgrade visuals offer a fresh worms experience and it's a quite pleasing-to-the-eye 2d game.

Sound: 7

The sound is rather impressive for this type of game. The sounds of the weapons are actually pretty authentic and while no one would confuse the sound with the real thing, but again, for this type of game, it's pretty damn good. The gibberish the worms speak is quite amusing.

Value: 9

With a multitude of challenges and a great multiplayer, this becomes the arcade release with the highest replay value. It offers up to a 4 player match that can last for as long as an hour if you have crafty enough opponents. The achievements are attainable and simple.

Tilt: 9

This game is just plain fun, missing content or not. Which is why it is totally worth the 800 points no matter what the naysayers say.