Broken!!! Same great game... online more flakey than a dandruff convention!

User Rating: 4 | Worms PS3
This had the promise of being an online gem - the kind of game you load up for a quick match having grown up with the controls and game-play. But, alas, the stability of the online play is diabolical. When it is working, it's pretty decent.

The single player challenges are fun and present a fair challenge (apart from the occasional miracle shot by the AI!). The trophies are fun to collect, but, at the end of the day, it's the online play against other folk that really matters. The online voice chat support was a very welcome surprise.

My experience of online has been that at least (probably more) 50% of the time searching for matches and connecting to games has caused my PS3 to lock up requiring a hard reset. In the last weekend I have had to reset my PS3 more than 30 times. This is unacceptable and totally ruins the experience.

Team 17 please fix this. If you can't fix it, or can't be bothered, please don't bring out any more PS3 games, as paying for products in good faith that turn out to be broken is highly frustrating.