good and fun but miss's a lot out

User Rating: 7.5 | Worms PS3
hello all. well what can i say its worms you like it or you dont fullstop. now i have all the pc and xbox one so i got this i was like yessss wormys in hd. then i played it and was like wtf the older ones are much better. why you may ask well the 1 player is just battles that get harder oh wow lol. now the older ones give you like adventure in worms and so on. now to the big one the weapons are not all there what a crock of sh*t. then there is the online dam how crap lets you play then you cant and then theres the slow down i was like i got a ps3 not a ps1 lo.l and cant have your own music. its good but for next gen its so bad. i mean worms 3d is better and worms forts i know it just a psn game but come on it needs updateing. so come on get your act together sony get your fingers out of your ass's and take note of us the gamers with out us you would not be here !!!!!!!!!!!. p.s. i do have to say the uk psn is soooooooo bloody crap. my mate set up a usa account dam much better lots and lots of demos vids and games and flims yes you herd me films. and the add ons well the best one i saw was for oblivion thats just ballsh*t!!!!! why cant we have all this a sony. to me and a lot of gamers we get the sh*ty end of the stick. its not on sony uk its us that make you rich so gives the goods that we deserve you see what i mean people of the uk we get sh*t lol. i know this was for worms but my fingers would not stop lmao . so worms from psn its about £7.00 its not a lot but to some it is like me lol. out of ten i say 7.1/2 as it is worms and if you have played worms then you know how fun it is and how it grabs you and has trophys to wich i like. i am a trophy whore lol well t.t.f.n. knightbear this is my name on ps3 as well so if you want to add me do so bear