good game for online multiplayer once you get handle of the basics

User Rating: 8.1 | Worms X360
first i bought this game i felt that i spent 800 points on the air i played an online match and i hated it , i left the game for some while after that i decided to get some achievements and i played most of the challenge levels which got me into the game and i knew how to use the different tools starting from the rope ending by torch , anyway im playing the game like everyday online its a lot of fun when you own people at the online matches ,theres still a community though , enough talking and lets start the review.

Gameplay: very fun once you learn to use every tool and weapon in the game , theres a lot of tools to use like jetpack and grid and a lot of other tools and you can use weapons like bazooka and banana bomb and sheep and a lot of other weapons , you play with a worms at a random landscape and you have to kill the other worms to win , if you wanna buy this game for single player DONT!!!! because the enemy is smart as hell the chance of their miss is 1% they dont play like humans they are worse than humans , i didnt have fun in the single player modes i only played it to get the handle of the game and to get achievements after i got the last achievements im not gonna touch the single player again , but the multiplayer modes is a lot of fun you can play with up to 3 people which is more than enough .

Graphics: nice graphics and not ugly at all i love how the worms look stupid and brainless , the landscapes is good and easy on the eyes , very colorful but great graphics theres no problem with them at all.

Sound: the music is only one music which is the same one from the older worms game , but what i really like here is how worms talk , like "missed" and when you hit yourself or team mate they say "stupid" and a lot of stupid things that must of time give me laughs , i love what they say when i use banana bomb im not gonna spoil it either .

Value: have a lot of value if you loved worms game before and if you wanna go online with this game then it has a lot of value its never get boring online unless if you play with people who doesnt say anything and just playing like a robot.

Tilt: nice game with good graphics and multiplayer mode is nice and you will have a lot of fun during break between playing retailer games.

this is just my opinion so i suggest you download a trial before you buy it but you will never know whats the real game because the meat of this game is on multiplayer modes.