Unique, yes. Fun, Absolutely.

User Rating: 9.5 | Worms Armageddon PC
Despite the fact that Worms Armageddon has been out for almost ten years now I just started playing it for the first time about five days ago. I remember when this game was first released back in 1999, and the warm reception it garnered from the gaming community (by then the series had already become quite popular). But for one reason or another I never got around to trying it, nor have I played any of the previous Worms games. So for me, this was to be a completely new foray into the turn-based strategy genre.

Worms Armageddon has been in my queue for years and, since I've been somewhat on a retro binge lately, figured this was the right time to finally give it a try. It didn't take long to locate a copy on eBay as there are several vendors selling a version of the game from Sold-Out Software (the one bundled with Worms 2). This turned out to be a mixed blessing however. On the one hand it was nice to be able find a copy of the game so quickly. But the problem is in the way Worms installs from this particular publisher. You see, Sold-Out Software uses a special installation front end that loads EACH and EVERY time you pop the disk into the drive...even after the game is installed. The unfortunate effect of this is that you'll have to wait until this somewhat obtrusive menu comes up, just so you can close it before launching the actual game. This process gets old in a hurry and sort of made me wish I'd found an original copy of the game. Although, given the popularity of this out-of-print title I doubt you'll have much luck finding one.

As for the game itself, let me just say this is an extremely unique strategy game. But bear in mind that's precisely what it is. Think of it as sort of a cross between Lemmings and (for those familiar with it) that old computer game Artillery. It's got the look & feel of the former, yet much of the game mechanics of the latter. Really though you have to play this game to fully appreciate it. Each battle takes place on one of countless 'maps' if you will, each one filled with zany terrain and colorful backdrops. The game by the way is completely two-dimensional. But the visuals here are really just eye candy as the real strategy is in the positioning of each team's worms relative to one another. Then you have the limited selection of wacky weapons and special moves (some of which just have to be seen to be appreciated). An important factor is the ever present water down below, which spells instant doom for all who enter it (or are blown, punched, kicked or pushed into it). Equally important from a strategy point of view is the fact that most of the terrain is completely destructible. So not only is it a goal to rain death and destruction upon your opponents, but also to destroy the terrain in a way that will either trap em or send them to a watery grave. In any case be prepared for a lot of explosions, flying worms and animated hijinks as the teams battle it out to the last man...or worm.

Much effort was put into the sound packages with this game and you'll almost certainly want to go in and find the right sound pack to suit your team. Personally I fluctuate between Wacky and Thespian, but believe me there's plenty there to choose from to fit your preference. Why you can even customize the tombstone that will mark the place of your poor little defeated comrades in arms.

Worms offers several game modes to choose from. Fight your way through the Campaign, unlocking extras as you go, or click the Deathmatch button for a random game against the computer. Then of course there's the online multiplayer aspect to this game, which most will probably say is what Worms Armageddon is all about. But since I haven't played it online yet (I'd surely be anniliated) I'll leave it to others to comment on that feature.

One of the best strategic elements of this game lies in choosing the right weapon, for the right worm, at the right time. Weapons are limited and do take skill to use. So you'll have to gain an understanding of how each one works and how to use it effectively. But more than that is the skill of learning how to use your weapons 'creatively.' For instance, you COULD use that last grenade to finish off a nearby opponent. Or...you could use it to blow up that ledge off in the distance, sending a whole handful of those wiggly little critters into the deadly water below. But you better have good aim. It's these kinds of decisions, and the sheer fun of watching it all play out, that makes Worms Armageddon the enduring and highly addicting game it is today. Don't be surprised when you look up and realize you've been playing this game for hours, always telling yourself, "Ok just ONE more map!"

There's certainly a lot of humor infused into the aesthetics of this title, whether it be the wacky taunts & insults or funny animations (even the backdrops are amazingly creative). After all, you never know when you'll suddenly be overwhelmed by the urge to toss an exploding sheep at a group of smart mouthed, grenade wielding worms. But deep down, Worms is a serious strategy game that demands planning and wit if you want to be successful. And, given the incredible replay value of this game, it's certainly one worth having in a permanent game library. In the meantime I'm just trying to earn a rank higher than Total Newbie. But I'm definitely having a blast doing it. And if you're even a casual fan of turn-based strategies you probably will too.