Stunningly addictive

User Rating: 9 | Worms Armageddon PC
It's quite a simple concept really.
A team of worms vs another team of worms. You take turns to move your selected worm around a seemingly simple, yet complex map in a predetermined period of time, to try and kill the other worms with an assortment of weapons in the best way possible.

Now, many people argue that because the game is in 2D, there is not enough 'freedom' like in the 3D versions to do what you wish. This may be true in some cases, however (and it might be nostalgia talking here), I have a firm belief that the 2D versions kick so much more ass. The design is perfect and the 3d worms just overcomplicates things.

The weapons are very original and can all come in very handy in the different situations you are fighting in.
You may want to choose to lay a mine in front of an enemy worm to stop him from crossing a bridge ahead of you, or you may want to throw a grenade over a hill to try and blow him away from you while keeping your cover. You may want to attack a bunch of worms together by airstriking the lot of them or perhaps shoot a homing missile through a tunnel you have recently made to curve upwards and knock somebody into the depths below. Maybe you want to use armageddon and kill everyone.

The entire game is quite simple to get used to, and once you've played your fair share of battles and have learned what weapon does what - you start to think extremely strategically and you will find yourself seeing new uses for weapons.
The Ninja rope is a prime example of this - at first I thought it was a simple tool to climb a cliff face and perhaps collect a weapons crate, but it became apparent that you can swing the length of the entire map and drop a dynamite on your enemy while swinging back to cover.

Based upon the map you are playing on, your playstyle will change from aggressive to defensive. If you have an airstrike in your arsenal and have access to a ledge you can hide behind, your best bet would be to hide away and use it - or would it? You might want to blowtorch your way through the map or girder yourself in. It's extremely situational and
everytime you play you will find yourself in a different scenario and I can almost guarantee you won't play the same map twice (providing you're not using a preset map).

The level of customization is great as well. You can name your own team and each individual worm as well if you want to. You can also change how they speak; which special weapons they have available to them; which gravestone and flag they carry; which map they will be playing on; the power of your selected weapons; the time given per turn and aaahh!!!
(The list goes on and on)

The experience is different for everybody, but I highly recommend getting this game if you ever have a chance to. You will not be dissapointed.
