This game is a very new one in terms of the RTS gaming style. Games such as CoH or this one make you love the genre.

User Rating: 10 | World in Conflict (Collector's Edition) PC
World in Conflict is what you would call a next-gen game not only because of the graphics but also because of the gameplay enhancements . This games falls in to the style of games like Assassin's Creed, instead of playing safe and developing a game like FPS's or normal RTS's. They decided to make a game tha would be completely new.

Graphics - 10 - This game has a new graphical potential that hasnt been seen before. When you have DirectX 10 you will be in for a wild ride. And everything looks so real and smooth that it looks like it was real life.

Gameplay - 9.7 - The gameplay in WiC are what make it so new. You have full camera control, easy unit control and almost no micromanagement. The resource factor is also very new. Youre thrown directly into battle and your resources are depending on how many territories you control. There's no farm building or mines just command poitns and your units are parachuted to you.

Sountrack - 10 - Here Im not reviewing the music but the enviromental sound, explosions and other factors that make the game feel real.

Price - 10 - This game is well worth the 40 bucks you'll pay for it, even more I'd say this game is worth 50 bucks r more because there is so much to do that you'll never get tired.

Overall - 9.9(Approximation 10) - I recommend this game, it you have the gear to play it, you really must buy it because it's a really good game.