A pack-in game with a good punch!

User Rating: 8.7 | Wii Sports WII
Wii Sports is the first game obtained by anyone who buys a wii. The good news is that's not a bad thing!

1. Graphics: Not that great. The environments are pretty plain and bland. However, the aim of the game isn't good graphics. The use of the Miis helps create a better experience here, but won't really wow you. 3/5

2. Sound: There is background music, although it doesn't really involve the player in what they're doing. Other sounds, like pins being hit or hitting a golf ball, do manage to establish a nice realistic feeling. 3/5

3. Gameplay: More than could be expected. Five games come packed in, each a different sport. Each of the games requires you to make realistic motions to simulate the sport being played (swinging the wii remote to swing a racket, punching with it to punch in a fight, etc). These games all have points systems. If you win or play a sport well, you gain points. Likewise, losing a game or performing poorly take away points. These points are what you need to achieve a "pro" ranking in that sport. This rank is the aim of playing each of the games. It definitely adds great incentive in the game. You may even be awarded special things for becoming a pro in some sports... There is also a training area that contains three minigames for each of the five sports. They are surprisingly fun and deep, and I enjoyed most of the minigames If that's still not enough for you, there is even a Wii Fitness section. Here you participate in a few randomly chosen minigames from the training area, and your scores on those minigames help figure out your Wii Fitness Age. Twenty is the best you can do. I've done it twice so far, scoring 42 the first time and then 26! It is an interesting concept and will keep you busy. There is still multiplayer to consider. You can have up to four players in bowling, tennis (the two best in my opinion), and golf. Everyone can have a wii remote and battle against each other. The remaining boxing and baseball can have two people playing. There is A LOT to do here. 5/5

4. Difficulty: This is what this game should be all about: getting everyone into the game. The single player mode is suited for everyone, ranging from the extreme gamer to your own parents. It is easy for most to gather points in the games and become pros. Then, more serious gamers can push on and gain even more points in the games (I have 2025 points in boxing), thusly providing both casual and extreme gamers an enjoyable experience. The minigame and Wii Fitness sections are both simple to use and are fun for anyone, regardless of gaming experience. Multiplayer is a great success as well. The games are simple to play with more people, and yet even hardcore gamers will enjoy the experience with family, friends, etc. Understand that some of the games may seem unappealing or hard at first, like golf, boxing, or even baseball. This doesn't mean the games are hard, just that you haven’t really gotten to enjoy them yet. 5/5

5. Replayability: I'll still be playing it two years down the road. There is virtually no limit on gaining points, so you can continue to play and play. The minigames are incredibly fun and addicting, and high scores can continue to be set. Wii Fitness is a great idea that can't get old. Multiplayer is a gem that will never age. You will come across so many different people and play this game with them. The game sells this point well. 5/5

6. Story: No story, but this a game purposely devoid of a story. So I can't fault it. 5/5

Final Verdict: 26/30: B+
Recommendation: Here is a game that turned out better than many expected to. I would tell you to get it, except it already comes included with your wii system! So don't just toss it aside and start playing Zelda, give it some good hours, and you may find that you are actually having fun with it!