A really good value

User Rating: 7.5 | Watchmen: The End Is Nigh Complete Experience PS3
I paid $27 for this and consider that a really good value. I got 2 games that the current download price is $35 for and a blu-ray move that probably goes for $20 or more all for about half price. First off the gameplay which as almost all have said is quite repetitive but even though repetitive pulling off the counters and the combos are quite satisfying. The story is quite entertaining and Rorshach is just awesome to listen too. The movie being included makes it very difficult for me to give this pack a low score which makes the fact that Gamespot gave the PS3 pack a .5 lower score than the 360 version without the movie. If you own a PS3 and are interested in buying the games or buying the Blu-ray of the movie there is absolutely no reason to buy any other version than this one because the way I see it is you buy 1 and get the other for free or just a couple of bucks.