It's balanced, and it has a ton of depth. What more could you ask for? Handcuffed lightening?!?

User Rating: 9.2 | Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution PS2
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution is better than the original VF 4 in every single way, and it's just 20$. There is a ton of depth in this game, and if there are any balance problems I am not aware of them whatsoever. The game looks great, and has good music... The characters are pretty boring, but other than that this game is simply amazing. There's no reason that anyone should not have this game. There is basically a punch, kick and guard button, and when you press two of them together it does another move. Yeah... after that, there is more to the game than I care to explain. There isn't really so much that the game that it's annoying or aggravating, but there's still a lot to it. Along with the great amount of depth there really seems to be no balance problems... if you pick a character that is in a lower tier (If there is possibly even a lower tier.), it doesn't really seem to be a problem (Compared to other fighting games, there really aren’t any tiers in these game.). If there is something, like a move that's really bothering you (there shouldn't really be any, scrubs.), it can be overcame if you are good enough, and I'm not talking about the impossibility of being able to parry everything on CvS2, it's something that is actually quite possible. The characters are actually very generic, but some of them are pretty interesting if you actually look at them. The old guy actually drinks and stuff, and the other move funky generic guy has funky stances. The new characters that were not in the original Virtua Fighter 4, Goh and Brad are actually probably the most interesting characters in here. For the most part, however, they are pretty boring. I started to use Aoi and picked her only because her eyes looked creepy on the select screen... nobody really jumped out as "cool" although Goh kind of is. Something else that might make the characters more interesting to some people is how well they represent their fighting styles. I’ve never seen a game more accurate well it comes down the representation of character’s fighting styles (Although that’s not to say the game is completely realistic.) The characters may be pretty boring, but at least they look good. The graphics are very good (though the "feeling" isn't as good as tekken 4) and the characters look great. The stages and and music look pretty cool, and there are a wide variety of them, so they aren't boring. The levels where they have rain look beautiful and the levels with snow are really cool. You can see the rain coming off them and the footprints in the snow. There are a ton of options too. You can do round times and rounds and crap, and you can like level up your character to show how experienced you are. There is also a mode called "quest" where you travel to arcades and you can play people with there actual playing styles, which is really cool. You can costumize your character a lot too, and rename them and cool things like that. They make the mostly boring characters a heck of a lot more interesting. So besides the (initially) boring characters, this game is almost perfect (I would like a few things that tekken has though.). The most Depth ever seen in a 3d fighter, balanced characters, tons of options, and you can find it for 20$ or less. It's definately worth even 50$, and this is becoming one of my favorite games ever, along with Tekken. Just a while ago I got out of 3d fighters, and I'm getting back in to them and practicing them a lot because of amazing games like this. Buy this now.