well, its ok...if you like that sort of thing

User Rating: 6.4 | Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth PSP
I couldn't seem to get into it. The story was dragged on though the cutscenes and it took forever to get to some action. I love the fighting engine but there was too little of it when there is some. I was able to actually get past the first part but then after a few towns and people, i got lost. I was hoping to get right into this game like i did with FF games but, I couldn't. Its ok if you can get into it, it has an interesting story, but it wasn't enough to keep me going. I agree with gamespot on how i had to fight to stay awake....and I did. I researched this game saw the graphics were cool, the gameplay looked cool and the story might be something i would have liked. But it wasn't, I was dissapointed because i had traded in 2 of my favorite games to get this one. It disappointed me.