might very well be the "Ride of the Vlakyrie" of RPG. more then classic- art.

User Rating: 9.2 | Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth PSP
what makes a game worthy to be called "art"? is it story? that, VP has by the dosen. is it characters? VP is only second to FFVI in that department. is it gameplay? VP has a fun gameplay, too (however it does get repetdly boring at some tine). is it value and standing against time, or great CG's and suitable graphics, Valkyrie Profile has it all.

geneius writing, to say the least. characters evolve, they have anything a character needs, pesonalety, an objective, and a super objective. whoever didn't like the story, has as much taste as a grown man who likes watching barney. to make it to A ending, difficults may arise, a darn lot of them, if you try to learn the conditions on your own. the period system is limiting but in a good way, 'cause you can't be a stupid and waste your time, and even hope to win.

it has good music and excllent voice acting, new CG graphics is, literaly, awe-some (see the seen with that vampyre with absolute silence, and you'll understand what i mean).

if you have PSP and haven't bought VP, your a moron.