oh the hours i spent playing this game

User Rating: 9 | Valkyrie Profile (Limited Deluxe Pack) PS
i dont't agree with gamespot's low score for this game... although i may be a bit late in voicing my disaproval, this is one of the best RPG games i ever played...

ill never forget the first time i took an einjeriar's soul, or managed to use the super-powered attacks that were beautifully animated and downright devastating to the bad guys

speaking of bad guys... this game was great because it was HARD. i mean like almost unfair hard... throw your ps1 remote against the wall hard... but in the end, when you finally go to ragnarok and win there was no feeling like it.

if you can find a copy of this game you should definently give it a try... (or you could try its ps2 or psp counterparts) but this game was trully a great game

great art, great stories behind each soul you captured to be your personal warrior... altogether just a great game.

7.0 my ass. this game was one og the greatest ps1 RPGs to ever come out.


p.s. (didn't Lezard Valet totally kick ass????)