My first purchased PSP game and it was well worth it!

User Rating: 8.2 | Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth PSP
Well my first game I got for my psp last week and on the depths of beating the main story but theres so much extra stuff anyway onto this game weather you should get it or not. The storyline starts off with you a god going down and getting humans who are worthy in a such to fight with the gods in a huge war. The whole game your basically leveling up to fight for this ultimate battle in the end and recruiting people who have died and giving them a second chance. The battles consist of Lenneth and 3 others in your party who which you can choose. Each button sets an attack for your characters and so you beat your enemies to a bulp and with several attacks you may trigger special combo's. Its amusing and such but can get kinda boring after a while. The battles are odd in a sense of random battles can sometimes be harder then many boss battles. The game consist of 3 difficulties each with more added to the game in characters or dungeons and such. Theres 3 endings to the game and lots of added stuff to the hard mode of the game. I find this great but bad as theres only 1 save file section or that I saw off anyway. My friend pointed out theres more so check into that if you get the game.... The graphics are good but can be blurry at times with the main menu. The overall music is ok and some nice voice acting. The new addition cut scenes are stunning and will take you a bit to find them all in the game as many are not in the main story but in quest.The game has a bad side in giving out info on how to play as you basically need to learn yourself which is preety bad considering there a time limit in this game. This game is an amazing port and a must have for a psp owner. It may get tiring for some with the gameplay but if you can push that aside its a great game to play over again to get all the extra material you missed in the first run.