Great RPG that's different and interesting.

User Rating: 9 | Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth PSP
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, is a great RPG game. It's an RPG, but it is somewhat different from the average RPG system. It is still turn-based, but it requires some timing and strategy on how to connect your characters' attacks. The good thing about this system is that it takes only a few battles for one to get used to this system. There may be a few lacks of instructions on how to do advanced techniques, but they aren't much of a problem.

The story of this whole game is also very interesting and can encourage you to keep on playing and advance. The story is about the gods and how the End of the World is coming close, and Valkyrie (you) must recruit souls of soldiers that will prove useful in the battle between the gods. As you progress through the game, you will meet characters, train them, and choose to send them to the gods to use as soldiers. Depending on whom you send and how they were trained can affect the situation of the war. The story is divided into Chapters and between each chapter you get to see the situation of the war and get information on what kind of soldier is needed. There are multiple endings to the game so whom you send can also affect the ending of the game.

The graphics are great and has no problems. The cut-scenes may bore some people who are not used to movies, but it should be interesting enough to watch, although the ability to skip the scenes would have been nice. The music should also be good enough that it won't be too repetitive. The difficulty may seem easy once you get used to the system, but it also has a hard difficulty, and that may be a little bit more challenging. Each character has his/her own special abilities and weapons that they can use, and they are worth discovering as well. If you would like to blaze through the game, it may be possible that the game be finished within 10 hours, but if you try to get the good ending, it can keep you entertaining for 35+ hours.

Overall, the game should be interesting enough and should be played even if you're not a huge fan of RPGs. Even if you haven't played the Playstation version it doesn't matter, since it is basically the same thing. I personally don't like that many RPGs, but this one has kept me entertaining for many hours. This game is very interesting and also has an extra dungeon/castle, where you can use your finished data and fight many tough battles and bosses. This game just made me keep coming back for more.