Gamespot really blew it with this review.

User Rating: 9.3 | Valkyrie Profile (Limited Deluxe Pack) PS
This is by far one of the best RPGs on the PS. And personally, I think it's one of the best ever. The graphics look very nice and pretty original. The soundtrack is great, but not quite on far with those of the FF games. I love the battle system. Stringing together combos to get your special attacks off is fun, and it makes dungeon crawling a lot more enjoyable. The only real problem with the game is the fact that some of the hard mode dungeons are absoultley ridiculous. You could spend hours just wandering around if you don't look up how to complete them. Some of them are still almost impossible to navigate. And three endings gives the game good replay value. Overall this is one of my all-time favorite games.