Apology of melancholy in a Norse mythology setting

User Rating: 8.8 | Valkyrie Profile (Limited Deluxe Pack) PS
Wow ! What a feeling is leaving us after Valkyrie Profile ! Remade and renamed Valkyrie Profile : Lenneth for the PSP, before the upcoming Valkyrie Profile 2 : Silmeria on PS2, this classic RPG has to be on every collection of RPG-lovers. The story set in the Norse Mythology is powerful, even if it's more the mortals destinies that captivate us. Let's make a short summary: you're playing Lenneth, one of the three Valkyries, goddesses of death and destiny. During the game, you "collect" human souls, powerful warriors that will serve you in your fight against the creatures from the underworld. A poor summary for such a great story. A great story... if you're doing things right and that's one big problem of VP. If you don't make the right things, during the right chapters, you'll get a poor ending and almost more than the quarter of the storyline will disappear which is bad because this quarter is the best of the game's story. The scrolling movement system is great and, of course, even if it was release in 2000, the graphics are quite good in a anime style. There's sometimes, in the dungeons, a sort of "platforming" caused by the capacity of Lenneth (and all Valkyries) to create crystals on walls or on the floors. But it's not great and sometimes, it's REALLY frustrating. The music is well, but kind of repetitive. Believe me, you will sing along some themes without even thinking about it. So before the upcoming Valkyrie Profile : Silmeria in September, you must do this game (on the PS version or new PSP version). And don't worry, the next game is setting BEFORE this game, which would explain some things in this one that I can't tell because I dont' like to spoil....