Not for the faint of heart or people who don't like guides, Valkyrie Profile Lenneth is a experience.

User Rating: 8 | Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth PSP
Going to start of this review by saying. Play this game on hard from the beginning.

If you don't you won't be able to access all the dungeons/bonus items in the game which actually make the main game easier then playing on normal.

But yeah onto the review. Its Norse Mythology, the Gods are preparing for Armageddon and the world is in depressing pit of despair fueled by war and greed and every bad human emotion you can think of.

Without unlocking the A ending, Lenneth is merely a tool for the Gods to harvest fallen souls to prepare for the apocalypse but oh what a way to achieve it.

Essentially the game is broken into chapters where you explore towns for lost souls to recruit and to purify undead and demonic forces in various dungeons and caves.

Combat is a button combo affair, simplistic in nature but rewarding chaining with bonus exp and currency (not gold but divine type)

The music is beautiful, the battle music is especially catchy.

Be warned though, this game needs a guide.

The A ending is a wonderful story of tragic loss, love and free spirit.

Its also sets up a great backstory for the sequel which is on PS2.